Hospital officials confirmed that Beyonce and Jay-Z have taken their newborn daughter home from New York’s Lennox Hill Hospital, where she was born on January 7. A procession of vehicles with blacked-out windows made a speedy exit from the hospital’s side gate in the wee hours of Tuesday,
witnesses said. Two black SUVs motored quickly out of the facility’s E. 76th Street loading dock at 1:30 am. Moments later, a van parked on a nearby corner reversed into the same loading dock, and the large roll-down gate closed. The gate reopened a few minutes later and the van drove out, turned the wrong way on the one-way 76th Street, and then headed north on Park Avenue.
It was “very precise, very military-like,” the New York Daily News quoted a witness as saying. “Immediately, security personnel began leaving the hospital,”
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